Sunday, July 25, 2010

One of the best years of my life

Last year I began studying film and television in Melbourne, I wrote and directed a film that captured that spirit of being a kid.
Set in country Victoria, “Once Back Home” is a 9min drama/fantasy film that challenges the trust of lonely hearts and displays the innocence of love.
3 children, who make up a family, yet, not officially a family, but one of bowl cuts and bad jumpers, wings and guiding stars, carry with them the spirits of those who pick them up and take them in, in the minds of individuals.
My film was inspired by the films of Scottish director Lynne Ramsey, Once Back Home aims to reflect the major theme of the fragilities of childhood, channeling the rich traditions of UK cinema. Allowing the audience into melancholic imaginative mind of the Old Man. Displaying tender, naïve, and raw sexual experience, that signifies the stripping of innocence rather than the hormonal changes. The main protagonist Felix, further displays the theme- at what point in time does a child have to “grow up”?
Once Back Home I think, offers its audience many layers.
As a writer/director, my interest is to see in what hierarchy the themes are perceived by the audience. It aims to represent perception, imagination, loneliness and melancholy, when one realizes that mind and body are not in harmony and imagination can only keep you company for so long.

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